Tag Archives: Patrick Doyle

Domino’s Worldwide Rally

21 Jul

To celebrate Domino’s 50th Anniversary, the Worldwide Rally is HUGE this year! Please keep this page bookmarked to check back on updates often.

9:30a: There must be thousands of people here. Most from around the world. The loudest groups are Team Australia and Team Mexico. Someone brought those horns that are used during Soccer matches. Team USA does our chant as the room gets quiet… “Who are we?” “Domino’s Pizza!” “What are we?” “We’re #1” “What’s our goal?” “To sell more pizza and have more fun!”

9:45a: All attending the Rally become a part of a new world record… The record for the largest group doing the air guitar in the world!! To Journey none-the-less. Yes, people rocked out, and some even rocked out from their knees.

10:00a: Former CEO Dave Brandon interviews Founder of Domino’s Pizza and former CEO Tom Monaghan. Tom shares with us that after a lawsuit that shut down the original name, “DomiNick’s”, a delivery driver coming back from a delivery at a shoe store came up with the name “Domino’s”. And just like that, history was made.

10:30a: Current CEO Patrick Doyle inducts Tom Monaghan and Dave Brandon into Brandon’s creation of The Chairman’s Circle. Dave mentions that Doyle violated the eligibility terms by inducting them, and Doyle reminds Dave that he no longer regulates the terms (as he is not CEO anymore).

10:45a: Lecture given by legendary author Chris Gardener, author of The Pursuit of Happyness. Upon a standing ovation for his entrance, he reminds us that Will Smith will not be arriving. The lecture is an amazing one, his story resonates to what we do in so many ways.

12:00p: We break for lunch.

6:00p: Domino’s Expo begins!

9:00p: World’s Fastest Pizza Maker Contest begins. Because Team Washington has dominated the competition for years (Dennis Tran has a 3peat record), Domino’s decided to have Team Washington v. The World. Final Four finals are tomorrow night!